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anyone here
>>> if brunson comes back healthy, knicks goin... Ahhahahhaha 2 round max
Which year cus it ainโ€™t this one
Its possible if Cleveland and boston get hurt. Last playoffs was full of injuries
Boston just chucking up 3s ainโ€™t no one getting hurt. Cavs maybe
You can always count on porzingis to get hurt
That never fails
Would you rather have Jokic for the next 5 years? or Wemby for the last 5 years of his career
Jokic still in his prime. Wemby would be washed by then
Happy st Patrick's day
St Patrickโ€™s day jerseys used to clean
Sad days
How has Brooklyn been out of the lottery picks lately?
Locked up๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
They wont let me out
Nothing below 17 since derrick favors in 2010 and he got traded for Dwill. Bad GMs trading away picks.
Tatum and brown should be wearing Brooklyn jerseys
The nba owes us a top 3!
Yeah the Celtics got that haul from the garnet and pierce trade
I mean if owners are trading the picks away I don't see how the NBA owes y'all a top 3 pick just so y'all can trade that away too lol
Yea the nba should keep givin top picks to the 76ers and Charlotte so they can continue to be trash for years to come
>>> The nba owes us a top 3! Americans live socialism in sports don't they
Bro we are the media
Yay socialism
Donโ€™t listen to bashes advice on basketball. He donโ€™t know how to sports bet ๐Ÿ˜‚
He never posts his losses
Unc is not losing to texas tech
Wrong unc. Scratch that
Bash why do you keep betting on teams with odds like 1200๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
What you mean. These 11 are favourites. I asked chatgpt
Can you ask chatgpt to give you some basketball knowledge
There you have it
Now ask it about the Jews
What about them?
I can answer that myself
Who are the original Hebrew Israelites
Middle east I think