But being an athlete is an everyday job to stay in top shape no exceptions
Can always tell who's the lazy athletes during the off-season when the season starts
Athletes are encouraged to be lazy during the off season
Who told you that!!! In my king Joffe voice
Maybe not NFL season cuz that's really short. But in NBA and soccer. Where seasons are really long.
Again who told you that that's the worse advice to give an athlete lol
So you think Jordan sat around during the off-season just being lazy and whatnot lol
Athletes who does that never make it to the big league
Jordan could be lazing during normal season and still be best player
And the ones that gets there and start doing that doesn't last long in the league
Jordan was never lazy though
Even during the off-season he basically slept at the gym
Light workouts. Nothing too crazy
This is why he'll never be matched cause athletes don't put in the dedication anymore
Bruh Jordan went all out even in practice
He thrived to become better even when he was considered the best
My point is there's nothing wrong about coming back from off season with a bit of pot belly
But that's my point yes it is something wrong with that
If you went crazy fat then yeah
Not even sure why I'm going back and forth with you on this lol
Knowing you're far from being any kind of athlete lol
I'm best athlete here believe me.
So you'd definitely not know personally what it takes to be an athlete
I dunno what it takes. Yes you are right
In your own house don't count when it's just you and your mom bruh
My brother used to be really good athlete
So here is inside your own family yeah that don't say much
So why can you speak about what it takes to be an athlete.
Whatâs the argument now ?
Well I'm a raptors fan so it's been rough, how is everyone else's teams doing
Iâm a Sixers fan and given up on them years ago
The thing is harden got fat intentionally to force his way off a team. Once he got traded, thatâs when he slimmed down
OKC fan here enough said for this season
I really wonder what Dort said to get tossed out the game cause it seems like Memphis player should've been tossed as hard as he was going
Wow the East is so far lopsided Cleveland already clinched a playoff spot
And if Phoenix doesn't beat Dallas out for that last spot I'm laughing my ass completely off
Harden drops a 50 piece on the pistons. Still getting đȘŁ
but As a nets fan, i full heartedly hate james harden
Ruined the team by trading for him and then got nothing in return when he got traded 2 philly
Itâs ok now you got DâAngelo Russel and nix claxton to take you to the finals