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Lakers won’t win the west
My people will claim LeBron
Okc won’t either
Okc better. I got money on it
We will see they have a better chance then the lakers
Nice try you guys already got kyrie
Keep him
Jokic deserves MVP idc what SGA doing can’t compare to 30-20-20
Jokić the man
LMAO u seen his moccasin sneakers I need
Put your bet on it. At least you got philly right this year 😂
Bro just wants to go back to Serbia n chill with his horses
But he wont get it. League needs a new winner, diversity
Casually killin the game
I love when he found out about the parade after he won the finals
He was so annoyed he like but I got to go back to Serbia he the real mvp
>>> Bro just wants to go back to Serbia n chil... Gypsy
That what's gypsies do round here. Mess around with horses
They have horse racing in the uk?
Imma go with Jokic winning mvp this year. Even tho if they are “sick” of him winning most years
I don’t think we can say Gypsy anymore bash
Kyrie identifies as Indian
Kyrie the man
He said his mom is native
Why u gotta post that smh
Ky was on a posting streak yesterday. Keepin the people woke
He be back next season n Dallas will be meh because injuries
Delete it ill crop it
It doesn’t have @ ur fine lol
It does on top
It’s just says kyries name
Is bro blaming valanciunas?
Dallas can tank for a lottery pick
Never know with anti
U can uncensored this room With a command so u can speak freely but it won’t show on featured anymore I think. Founder has to do it
Uncensored private the way to go
I tried to uncensored it
Ask Jack dash he knows
Mavs should sit AD out for the year. Get a high pick and theyll be rejuvenated
Why even. It’s just basketball talk. It ain’t lovedome
Is the earth still flat
Lmao it’s fine it’s just sports talk
Is kyrie worth a super max?