>>> understandable. Sci fi and those kinds of ...
Do you also like Fringe?
the entire series was good but the last episodes were like insanely good story telling
>>> Do you also like Fringe?
no never heard of it
I will look into it. sounds like a Sci fi movie
It's a SciFi series. I have a strong feeling that you will like it.
the last episode all the characters died 😭😭😭
I don't think I've ever had that feeling before 🤣😂🤣
but it was in the "other place"
Watch it though. It's actually one of the best SciFi shows. Severely underrated too.
but the show made it seem like it
Stop Googling episodes. 😭
I didn't watch the last episode. SPOILER ALERT!
in the end the 4 grimms killed the devil
🥝🥝🥝🥝, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Forcing in your story.
Spoilers don't affect me. Hehe.
>>> Imma sue you for that. 😭
>>> Watch it though. It's actually one of the ...
I need a new show
now that I'm finished with grimm 😶
I have to go, y'all. It's time for lunch. It was nice talking to you, Lea and Kiwi. Catch y'all later.
Eat well!! Hope we can chat sometime later or another day
>>> I have to go, y'all. It's time fo lunch. ...
you as well. have a good rest of your day.
Philippines country guys pm me
I only asked if you had a job to know if you were independent from your parents now.
I was trying to understand your situation. I am not judging you.
I think I explained in a earlier comment my situation but maybe you only saw the rest and misunderstood, I was replying to someone else and replied to you before that last one i still can see
Yes, sorry, I was rushing to work
I understand you’re not in an easy situation
But yeah im not working at the moment, its been hard looking for a job since the pandemic that now i just thought to volunteer at the library a bit
I would take breaks since I felt tired and or depressed from looking plus other stuff
I was about tp write that i felt angry a while ago cause my dad thinks not communicating certain things is ok. I dislike that
What does he refer toc
I didn't know my sister had an appointment the same day and well its not like we could've made it to my appointment to get my results. But he didnt tell me i guess cause he'd think wed make it. I get that but it would've been to have been communicated that before and or him keep in mind that they wont wait on us
But if I told him that he'd get upset lol
>>> I was about tp write that i felt angry a w...
I heavily relate to this one. Communication with everyone is extremely important, especially direct communication with people. It's hard for me to understand if it's indirect communication. So frustrating.