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🏔UTAH: Life Elevated

It's better. I got it all taped up to hell keeping it together
I'm afraid to take the tape off though
When did the doc say you could take the tape off?
wth kinda bandaid is this
Any gals looking to hang out
>>> wth kinda bandaid is this Ikr. He should have gotten ones with superheros on it.
>>> When did the doc say you could take the ta... I am the doctor in this case
That is K tape. It's like spandex with adhesive on it
Droppin trou in the Utah room. Risqué
For educational purposes only
Gotta respect sacrifice for science
I willing to risk it to help others learn
I thoroughly enjoyed the presidential joint address to congress tonight. I hope many of you had the opportunity to tune in tonight.
I did watch the full thing, though I tend to keep up with global and national politics and economics in general.
>>> I willing to risk it to help others learn You are a true hero.
I approve of this message fish 👌🏼😁
I saw your meme last night about f-ing as hard as the government lol
It was great.
yeah you know the one haha
Since you mentioned
I mod in that room. Pray for me lol
Oh I can only imagine 🙈😂
Mostly I tell people not to do personal attacks. I don't take part in the insanity haha
It came about because there were these two french people (one on left and one on right) going at it, and as an observer, I was like, yeah let's not attack each other, and I was able to de-escelate it.
I’m completely fine with respectful conversations. It when it’s no longer respectful I have a problem.
I agree. Ironically, the one I agreed with more politically was the one being more out of line. I can't condone bad behavior just because I agree on the topic.
Valid point
I think it's hard to have a good conversation on politics here on Anti haha
Very much so- that being said politics are allowed in this room but with the same stipulations.
I fell asleep trying to watch it
I'm a probationary Federal Employee, so, even though I voted for him, I don't like him right now
I can understand that
Just so everyone knows, the SSA uses COBOL coding language. So if you don't know how to use COBOL, then you'll think that there are millions of people over 100 years old get ss checks
some banking is built on cobol too ancient
Good morning Utah! ☕️🌞
>>> some banking is built on cobol too ancient Yes, the government uses it because it's so secure, but a very difficult code to learn. Now I'm doubting the spending reports, they're not accurate if you don't know how to use cobol
Utah baddies hmu
Good morning
Good morning Utah! ☕️🌞