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أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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Good morning doc 😊
Hi Lucy, how are you!
I’m doing ok. Major case of the Mondays 😂
How are you today?
Good morning
Hi Charlie 😊
I had a major case too
But I got everything done that I needed to do
Good morning everyone
Good morning doc and everyone 🤓
So me lol
I plead the fifth
How’s Tuesday treating you so far?
Anti keeps adding me to rooms and won’t let me exit
Good Morning ☀️
Good morning ☕️
Me too, I have just given up on that, Lucy
Hey gg and mouse
Me too 😂
Hi mouse 😊
GG 🤗🥰🤗☕️☕️☕️
Haha Mouse i love your name. Good Morning
Good Morning Luci 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Good Morning Doc. Two episodes of Paradise left!
Is that one I should check out?
Thank you 🤗
I’m gonna watch that show too because it looks really good.
Woohoo! I’m so glad it got a second season
Lucy, I figured you for a Sterling K. Brown fan. Just on his performance it is worth watching but the show is very good. James Marsden is awesome too as the president.
Mouse, I agree, your name is punny.
You had me at James marsden lmao
I had to look him up. You’re right, ima a fan lol
Good, finally finished my book yesterday lol took me months!
What book is that?
You’ll see his butt lol
Umm a true crime one, starvation heights
What have you been reading?
I started a book called dead Edward
What type is it
It’s a contemporary work of fiction. Not sure what genre it fits into yet, drama perhaps
Very nice, drama is always good. I’m trying to decide which book shall be next 📖
I have a huge list lol
I have a huge stack of books I bought and haven’t read so it’ll be one of those haha