I really should buy a bunch of 25 cent fake diamond rings and walk around restaurants dropping rings into people drinks
Until the girl looks at the ring and realizes it's plastic.
Hire a plane to fly around with a banner saying 'will you marry me Jennifer?'
If I commit my feelings into any ring it'll be the one ring and I'll rule them all
>>> 🤣🤣 Sounds like da purge movies
You know not all movies are bad ideas!
However unlike the Purge movies, I wouldn't make the politicians and the rich exempt from the Purge
I look like Smegal so there's that
In fact anyone who Purges a politician will be able to vote one person permanently removed from any further Purges in the future. On a one by one basis
Damn it it blocked what I wanted to say
So the girl Patty yesterday who said she was going to get us all sent to prison. Well she's now in there lol
In my Purge the guns aren't allowed.
You have to get up close and personal and watch the life drain out of their eyes
Your tits are to big to be batman
Why do women wear underwear?
Because workplace health and safety states all man holes must be covered when not in use