Honestly, I hate it.. I hate not helping, but she very particular about things.. and, some days.. I pick my battles
Yes I learned there is a wrong way to do dishes
I learned there is a wrong way to put up groceries, to do laundry, to vacuum.. hell.. I learned the other day I moo wrong
We have learned to meet in the middle
I just wanted to say shouldnt she be the one moo'ing😂😂😂
I’m allowed to put away clothes.. and take out the trash
Oh, and wash the pots and pans
Oh, she corrected me.. I’m allowed to HANG clothes.. but I fold towels wrong and underwear.. and socks
How do you fold towels wrong
How do I explain this in text
She folds them like a square.. and I fold mine in thirds
I was like.. don’t unfriend her for towels
She’s sitting in the corner, crying because you don’t want to her friend because of towels.. 😔
She’s actually telling me about how we are going to eat healthy
Chicken, salmon, and egg whites
Make egg muffins from egg whites and its half the calories
Yea and you can use lean bacon and cheese its half of the calories than normal eggs
My favorite is two scoops whey protein, half a cup of oats, a banana and a spoon of peanut butter in 300 ml full cream milk
Yeah toss it in a blender
App now seems to be lagging less
That’s sounds really good.. we aren’t counting calories.. is like a smaller portions more times a day kind of thing.. less red meats.. more chicken and shirt
>>> Is like 700 calories
That must keep you full for hours?
I'm bulking so I have 2 of those every day
>>> That’s sounds really good.. we aren’t coun...
Fork that's what im doing too except with counting cals
My cal intake is two of those smoothies lol
Yeah lol one in the morning and one before bed
I think I consume about 3500 Cals a day easily
Lol yeah you're not wrong
That just means that you have a healthy digestive system
What I like is that those smoothies have more protein than carbs
Like 60g protein per smoothie
I opened a Red Bull and plopped on the couch and got the dirtiest look.. I am supposed to be cutting them out.. but I’m a bit an addict
I cut then out a while ago
Oddly, they help a lot with my ADHD.. almost like it mellows me out 😂
I don't sleep much and I had a bad habit of drinking coffee in the morning and then getting a monster when I got to work
I have cut a lot out.. like it was any where from 6-8 redbulls a day.. now it’s like two or three and not every day
Adhd has that effect. Ups bring you down, downs bring you up. Valium makes me hyper and anxious af
Energy drinks used to give me a quick pick up from the sugar, then I'd crash hard
So I used to have like 4 a day to try keep level lmao
Haha I avoid sativa cannabis because if smoke sativa at night I'll be going to bed at around 2 am
She’s talking about kale chips and the menu has no carbs.. no noodles.. no rice..
Oh, I get potatoes.. like twice a week.. I’m going to die
I need to lose weight, I’ve been procrastinating.. and healthy is good.. I’m just going to whine about it while I enjoy my nuts
It took me a minute to remember.. I’ve been gone for so long
I got 154 today it's usually like 15
Yes but you are special Foxy
Michael Jordan such a king
I’m pretty good, how about yourself
Welcome back Neexy my sleeping problem twinsie
That's good. I'm good too thanks
I know. It's annoying really.
Yes I type a message I want to send you and then 5min later I see you have already said something so I have to change it again. Lol
The beanie, the glasses, and the leaves