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🇿🇦South Africa & Friends🇿🇦

Observing. Lol
Im here, just observing, lol
Welcome She
Hey sheep.. not a sheep
And She 👋
>>> Im here, just observing, lol I am not trendy with my lurking no more ..
* switch to observing
How is the protein shake?
I lagged hard there, lol
As I said easily swallowed
I am lagging too
I see new comments but when I enter the room they aren't there
So like, what does a cannibal do after eating his vegetables?
Sell the wheels on eBay
Cloooooose so close! He just threw away the wheelchair shem 🤣
gn everyone
Long time hey
I was seriously hoping no one would remember me 🤣🤣🤣 damn Sasso u snitch
Well it wasnt her its me. She most def didnt tell me🤣🤣🤣
I remebered you from back in the day
Waaaaay back yo, ive been mia for 366 days 😂 and here i was trying to creep back in undetected
And ya think one wouldnt know🤣🤣🤣🤣
You changed to this one just before i left the last time🤣🤣
Its how i know
Secrets safe with me
🤐 i hold u to it 🤣
Hope u been good doe! Staying blessed and safe
Good.... understayement. Safe yes always. Been a rough couple of months. But il get into that laters.
And you. Hows life. You good?
If im alive then all is good cuz there is life in these bones 😁
Good morning 🌄
Mix to you all
What’s happening
It's 3:30 am... It's either sleep or bad decisions
Woke up to keep fast
Oooh. Good luck with that!
That’s bro
I got a hold month of it
Man. That's rough. At last its out of summer