You guys are stuck with me
Luckily you are good company
Thank you so much, you guys are good company 2
Well there are 3 of us chatting
so who is number 4 in the room👀
It’s my split personality
Wouldn’t you like to know 😏
We always have some lurkers here, lol
See he still hasn’t fed me
>>> We always have some lurkers here, lol
I'm 1, sometimes
No Neex it's not you, lol
I'm just admitting that I sometimes lurk.
But in saying that,lol. Who you waiting for to pop up. lol
>>> But in saying that,lol. Who you waiting fo...
Havnt figured it out yet
If you do let me know, lol
Haha but got to go. Being summoned
It's so funny when I'm at work and I see a message from Foxy in the room saying. Come out lurkers come and play
You should see some night I tell V to drop something
Then in a second the room goes from just us 2 to like 12 people
Well me V and 10 guys, lmao
But I am also going to go. My phone is about to die and seems like I am feeding myself today 😝
Aww okay have a good one, nice seeing you guys again
Not sure if Dilly is gonna stay
I’m just trying to be all lovey and she leaves me on the couch 🥺
I’m probably going to call it for now.. maybe later tonight or tomorrow..
No worries Dilly chat soon
Hello, hi, sanbonani, sup,... Eish Afrikaans i bunk. I can say it but cant spell it
Did i kill the room again. Hmmm maybe i should waste some time on Playstation. Tc yall. Will check in after every match