
下载应用程序以发送和接收匿名 💌 消息

  1. 点击“分享”
  2. 点击“添加到主屏幕”
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Is he doing something bad to you dear biatch
Report police biatch
I would love to know biatch
Canadians are cool people biatch
Leave them tf alone 😭 biatch
canadians are cool biatch
Been seeing too many hateful comments to them biatch
infact they're fkin freezin biatch
Smfh biatch
so green biatch
What about Sikh of canada biatch
go green biatch
hai rivia biatch
420 biatch
I am indian tho biatch
hai turtle biatch
gugu gaga biatch
hey biatch
hai horse biatch
😂😂😂 biatch
Green is good for the eyes biatch
ruff ruff biatch
greenies 🥗 biatch
Keep em coming biatch
green is good for the lungs too biatch
Hiiiii anona bb 🥰🥰😘 biatch
damn this cow on a mission biatch
What cow biatch
Anon haye biatch
you biatch
Gift me anon biatch
Wym on a mission 😭 biatch
They watching you biatch
Bye biatch
means you're up to something biatch
What I do biatch
🔍🕵️‍♂️ biatch
I wish I was up to something I’m kinda bored rn 💀 biatch
we'll figure that out biatch
😂😂😂 biatch
This app been peaceful biatch
yeah well i was too so i started sayin that bs biatch
ya biatch
💀🤣 biatch
Hi beautiful biatch
I remember anytime I logged on people was fighting biatch