Kuien ese tu trope biatch
Someone adopt me pls biatch
Mas feo kue yo no ay biatch
Tu competencia entonces biatch
Me disen El feyote biatch
Ah mi competencia nomas me faltan conoserlo biatch
En realida no soy muy feo sabe porkue me apodaron asi biatch
Sos dueno de Todo lo nuestro biatch
Por casualida no fuieste a las Carreras del primos biatch
Ojos cerrados no ven biatch
Ellos no son feoa no pobre biatch
Ahh Italia es pekito de pokito biatch
Kue descanses Bien para Manana biatch
Un cafesito SE me antoja pero me ase Mal sugar biatch
At work stressing rn. biatch
Let’s go Strolling Through Wonderland biatch
>>> Let’s go Strolling Through Wonderland biatch
Let's go. Let me grab my beach purz real quick. 👛
Come on everyone let’s sing the Donald Trump song biatch
Those can be great people 😄😜💪💞😁🛣️😜💪💞😁🛣️😁 and biatch
Exactly that’s what I’m trying to tell you we have to sing the Donald Trump song biatch
Anyone wanna chat about my Indian ex biatch
Yes, let’s see the Donald Trump song just for Trump biatch
Ther was a horse at the track named trump and won biatch
That makes sense Donald Trump always wins biatch