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Don't miss me gioia because i don't like dalit biatch
I'm king 🤡 biatch
Who cares biatch
I won’t miss u biatch
da king of dalits biatch
Well don't copy my lines 🤡 biatch
Lexy is Muslim 🤡 biatch
Well don't copy my lines 🤡 biatch
flambý, the power of small biatch
erm biatch
imagine being seal biatch
stank seal biatch
Chinese brother History biatch
antiland is his life biatch
Tsk tsk tsk biatch
Chinese brother history biatch
Mol biatch
U very happy here today biatch
Double O tatted on her body yeah biatch
Destreesss biatch
When you do calf work out and the next day your calf muscle starts twitching 😐 biatch
I miss my crush on anti 😭 biatch
Wish I was someone’s crush biatch
Mol biatch
🍒 biatch
X2 biatch
Yeah she got crushed by her crush biatch
Crushed like popsicle biatch
>>> X2 biatch Ur ti sexy
su fish biatch
Why do fishes be getting assaulted all the time in this gc biatch
lol biatch
Fish on this gc be saying random bs biatch
Hence the assualt biatch
But isn't it supposed to be random? biatch
Y'all haven't seen randomness enough yet? 😔 it's anti bruv biatch
lines biatch
crazy doubles biatch
Wow super fast ban biatch
Yes biatch
I'm watching yall biatch
Closely biatch