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LLonely & Depressed

Mimi your told that guy he needs a slap in the face haha
secondly u abuse ur power
Private message me? X
i was banned because i said" are rhese the only two"
the two girls that were posting their melons
u are such a pathetic 🤡. ur like female andrew tate 😂
Not good
all this just to get a little attention in life. can u be more pathetic . like have some shame
Mimi ? U ther ?
Wth. I don’t even go to the room much. I heard from some guys telling me that you were simping on the girls. When they rejected your ugly ss, you got butthurt n started reporting everyone
then u come here and lie about curvy. who is in my dms since the first day asking me why i was banned lol. we been chatting since the beginning and shes even there now. we also discussed this report issue and concluded it was the 🐷. obviously u also know it. yet for the people here u come and lie that curvy rejected me lmao. u think i want something to do with a mother of 3 kids. shes a friend and shes a sub. im looking for doms. now gtfo my face u dumdum
I shall make some coffee
>>> Wth. I don’t even go to the room much. I h... u are the founder of the group u clown😂
like how much can u lie for attention.its just sad.
Who’s lying?? Let’s see
go dance around some simps and fill ur stomach 😆
>>> Who’s lying?? Let’s see yea call curvy here
lets see whos the simp 😆
Those guys aren’t active yet. They told me about the guy with the name 🚽
There are other girls too
those guys are simps and in urgarbage dump group for free corn
im not explaining this again. they are sad coz someoke reported their free corn
and anyone with an iq over 10 will know only a woman can report such a thing for being jealous. no guy will report some big melons and 🍑
grow a brain and stop embarrasing yourself u miserable clown
I refuse to cut my jeans to make them my length
oh wait look what i found
read the reason for ban 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤡
You’re illogical and sound like an illiterate person. Who made a big deal upon asking a simple question
"are there more women besudes these two" this is ban worthy for her. have u ever seen a bigger insecure clown . not even simps are this oathetic
suh a joke . even my 1 year old dog is smarter than u
You’re a 🚽
now woof woof here for a while im off for lunch
That name suits you
I’m gonna 💩 on ya ugly and disgusting looking face
I don’t wanna waste any more time talking to this mentally challenged bastard
Who felt attacked and started writing a whole essay that’s irrelevant
Whatever opinion you have about women out here that drops, it’s your disgusting opinion not the truth and keep it within yourself. You’re the lowest of the lowest
I’m done 🤮
nothing can save u tupid 🤡😆
ur group name is fitting zero filter zero SHAME
add ZERO character ZERO brain to that 😆
imagine being a female and begging this hard for attention. you gotta be beyond ugoly for this level of cringe and desperation