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Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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LLonely & Depressed

hey look curvy is online
*hugs sheep*
Mmmh warm soft cloud
mini the 🤡😂
Come feel meeeee . You can sleep from my softness
Hey hey yall
How ya doing
Hiiii bent
Hi Adrian
>>> Come feel meeeee . You can sleep from my s... Ayo?
How are ya happy puffs
Hi happy puffs
Hi turtle
And shaggy
How are ya sog
People with imaginary haters are killing me 🤦
Back to my cabin
I’m okay hby?
Blue and white sky
Ohhhh best up right now haha
So happy I got today off to catch up on classes
Damn hellship that looks cool af
I vaguely remember some lyrics
Cool, I guess
Oh nice
What lyrics
Why does bros feet look like goat feet
Found the song
I just need to know the specific genre
I was confused between rock ,punk rock , pop rock
I was thinking the lyrics was * she had her bayonette to my throatsaying kiss on mouth*
Actual lyrics is
She kisses like a grenade, a blade a bayonette
Monet sis
Kiss me like a grenade so that i blast off
Just woke up
Sounds like plain rock imho
Maybe pop rock at the most