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LLonely & Depressed

You in the usa?
But my surgeon is the head of department at ac
They shouldnt be doing surgeries back to back like that unless its life-threatening
In which case it makes total sense you have burn out
My stomach and Colon were leaking after the first surgery
And you should talk to a therapist and your doctor asap
I went into sepsis before they realised what was going on
You need rest
Yea you need to chill
Sleep as much as ya like
Yea I'm much more irritable now
Yea thats normal
hi guys
I'm from Russia 35 y.o
I swear I had good humour
I know it sucks but everything you are describing is normal
Considering what you have been through
Itll pass but it takes time
Thanks for ur advice
It won’t pass bcz humans suck lol
Even on the toughest days, you're not alone. Keep going better moments are ahead, and you’re stronger than you think!
I got clinical burn out from work and it took probably 4 months for me to get back to proper brain function
Ooh wow
Eat healthy and rest, enjoy the sun
Enjoy the small things
Family and friends
Hope it's better for u now
Just practice slow, delayed reward style of living
Let yourself play video games for hours if thats what ya feel like doing
But make sure you get sunlight
You know, just be easy on yourself
Will do my best
Just dont develop bad coping mechanisms is all
Which is why you need to talk to a therapist
So they can help ya navigate it without falling into bad habbits
Its honestly part of your surgery recovery
Or should be
Gut health is also going to be very important
These two things are highly overlooked in the mainstream medical industry when dealing with long term recovery
So taking the initiative to address your gut health and mental health will go a long way in helping your recovery
And past that just chill, you been through a lot!
Managing a relationship on top of that is even more stress
Yea I feel that