and the second night they ended the show early because people weren't happy about some duplicate songs
Lawyers are horrible people they try to steal money, in any way possible
worst lawyers are the ones that know their client is guilty af or allegations made are false
No matter if guilty or not
you have to be a pos to do some jobs tho
lawyers have put innocent people in prison and let guilty pedophiles and murderers walk free
even that dude sueing tool. massive tool fan but you gonna sue your favorite band over something pedantic?
If you could get something
although that album is their weakest
I did. the funny thing is, and I even saw memes of this, Tool fans listen to Tool songs on repeat so much, since their songs are out of this world, and also they dont have as many songs, that it was funny seeing people complain about them repeating them.
but then again I do empathise with the people who complained. because imagine paying thousands of dollars to just see repeats. thats wild. a concert shouldnt be this expensive
their most recent albums is one of the best Id say (just like all their other albums). you should give it another shot
although, suing a band is ridiculous lol
its not that big of a deal. its just dissapointing at best
tengo que preguntar, era verdad que Maynar fue acusado por abuso Sexual? a una fan ? o algo así, recuerdan?. was that true?
Wake up you lazy metal heads
alrite. just watching MotoGP. hbu
perfect! Just sad its over 😭 I am baking banana muffins!
anyone going to festivals this year?
jlust concerts, no festivals
what festivals are there this year?
idk what continent you're on but i assume the usual lol
the same festivals are typically every year. asking what festivals there are this year is a broad as hell question. in both North America and Europe there's a multitude of annual metal and rock festivals
for example USA alone has Maryland Deathfest, Metal and Beer Fest, Metal Threat, Hell's Heroes, 70,000 Tons of Metal, Milwaukee Metal Fest, Headbanger's Boat, Aftershock, Louder Than Life, Welcome To Rockville, Wisconsin Rockfest, and i'm sure more
Warped Tour is back this year too
That sounds like a lot of Midwest festivals lol. Anything on the West Coast?
those festivals are all over. midwest, west coast, east coast, south
Wake up you lazy metal heads