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MMetal Head Only 🎸

But only in savatage
Dont like circle to circle
Really? I am the opposite
Any tool fans here?
yeah Tool's good. have not seen them live yet but maaaan i've tripped out to them a few times
shiet first time tripping on acid was watching the Vicarious video
still the best damn Tool song. either Vicarious or Pneuma
good songs
I saw them live twice
and havent gotten over them in 2 years, keep re listening to them
they just hit the spot like no other band does for me
and Danny Carey. Tool would not be the same band without him. that dude has a certain way of looking at and processing drums. dude's very intelligent. i also appreciate and am fascinated by his use of magick in music
he's known as the octopus for a good reason
easily one of the best drummers to ever have lived, if not the best
his style of drumming is one of a kind, never seen it being replicated unlike any other drummer
shiet even he can't replicate some of his drumming. he has never been able to do that snare roll from Schism again
i think it's Schism
dude is pretty old now
his drums always have such a damn nice sound too
more complex than any poly rythms
i'm not one to dis tones. tones are tones. all preference. but theres a lot of trends in drum tones right now. danny has his tones, doesn't stray far from them, and knows they'll sound good in the mix
and shiet he was doing a hybrid kit before they were cool
dude lives, breaths, and probably cums music
his cum can probably open your third eye
that went weird
but yeah
what are your fav drum tones rn
Wake up you lazy metal heads
Jack is back
Hey guys
Does anyone like black metal here?
yes. my main genre
lots of new music coming out this year. good year for metal 🤘🏻
>>> Does anyone like black metal here? I do and death metal
Lot of good music every year
depends who you like
there’s very little black metal im into. what i do enjoy tends to be on the dissonant, avant-garde side of things. i’ve always been a much bigger death metal fan.