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Jack is back
Hey guys
Does anyone like black metal here?
yes. my main genre
lots of new music coming out this year. good year for metal ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป
>>> Does anyone like black metal here? I do and death metal
Lot of good music every year
depends who you like
thereโ€™s very little black metal im into. what i do enjoy tends to be on the dissonant, avant-garde side of things. iโ€™ve always been a much bigger death metal fan.
Wake up you lazy metal heads
Jack is back
jack is black
Morning all
>>> jack is black True
Blacker than the black itself
aw i missed out on the tool discussion. i was absolutely obsessed with them as a kid and still respect most of their music. i did think their most recent album was wack tho.
did y'all hear the recent tool controversy? some lawyer who is a tool fan is trying to get people in on a class action lawsuit ๐Ÿ˜‚
Tool did two shows that were supposed to be unique 10 song sets. both nights had 4 of the same songs. so this lawyer dude is suing
and the second night they ended the show early because people weren't happy about some duplicate songs
Lawyers are horrible people they try to steal money, in any way possible
worst lawyers are the ones that know their client is guilty af or allegations made are false
Its their job
No matter if guilty or not
you have to be a pos to do some jobs tho
lawyers have put innocent people in prison and let guilty pedophiles and murderers walk free
even that dude sueing tool. massive tool fan but you gonna sue your favorite band over something pedantic?
People is greed
If you could get something
They will try ba
Rot n roll
tool is bae
although that album is their weakest
I did. the funny thing is, and I even saw memes of this, Tool fans listen to Tool songs on repeat so much, since their songs are out of this world, and also they dont have as many songs, that it was funny seeing people complain about them repeating them. but then again I do empathise with the people who complained. because imagine paying thousands of dollars to just see repeats. thats wild. a concert shouldnt be this expensive
fan of toolโœŠ
their most recent albums is one of the best Id say (just like all their other albums). you should give it another shot
although, suing a band is ridiculous lol its not that big of a deal. its just dissapointing at best
tengo que preguntar, era verdad que Maynar fue acusado por abuso Sexual? a una fan ? o algo asรญ, recuerdan?. was that true?
Wake up you lazy metal heads
Jack is back