right in your slimy spots
no watching. this is for adults only
Omg Shelly you’re a globe a cute little globe I wanna shake you up
You wanna make me all dizzzzy
Like that feeling you get when Tony walks into the room
It might be carbon monoxide you should open a window
Damn hennessy why you so funny bbg
cuz i love hearing you giggle
oh you like listening to other women giggle? 📝📝📝📝
Dm I want to make a confession about two Indian females I know
my snow bunny gf went on vacation with my black friend. can anyone look at some suggestive pics he sent me of her, and tell me if they did anything
They did Ben. Your gf is probably on her knees right now
I swear. How are you turtle
There's a person here named "raunchy Rachel". Omg
I'm ok name just hot tired