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Trimite și primește mesaje anonime

Descarcă aplicația pentru a trimite și primi mesaje 💌 anonime

  1. Atinge „Partajează”
  2. Atinge „Adaugă pe ecranul principal”
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Camere de chat anonime, Joc de rol pentru întâlniri cu străini aleatorii online
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Then you owe us a pic
Heads I win, tails you lose
KFP for the win!
No deal
What do you want then smh
Doesn't matter.... you gonna say you won either way
You right
I sent some guy a guitar in California
And somehow it ended up in New Jersey
Do better
Do it w the lights on
i know most of you morons wont get the joke🌚
Wish a mfer would try and approach me
I would 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well you’d be welcome to 🫶
no one approaches me, over a year of facial hair growth keeps people awa😁
Guess I gotta learn to grow a beard.
Good morning
Imposter Mikey
its def helpful lil bunny
just an RBF works pretty well too
Or not being nice works too
Hello room
Yall talking about tring to be unapproachable and my weekend job involves me approaching people walking into Lowe's😆 Just so ya know unkempt beard, RBF...doesn't matter I'll still approach😉
50Male BlackIndiana...Hope everyone’s day is well.
Try both.
but not being involves work and just being a crappy person..
not being nice*
Nah I'll still approach😅
How’s you Christopher Robin
Robin who?
Piggy 🫶🫶🫶
Howdy bunny
I'm great Bunny I had a really good day at work. Now it's chill time at home
What of you my lady?
I need help
Hey room