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I pick Herbert
Ok cool!
I pick Harold. How about that?
Or maybe Homer?
How about Gene
You’re draggin this ohio 😂
Harold, Herbert you go Homer
Nope! Subject change please.
Homer simpson
Herbert the pervert
Did you hear that Bunny?
Homer was actually my great grandfather’s name.
He had a brother named Herbert also!
Nobody knows my real name here. I started as Mikey. Bunny, Gary, Shell, and Sinna made me change it. I became Christopher...but my penn name for my published writing is Christian.
Ok, well that’s a cool name.
Sinna calls me Lil Lep bc it was on the drawing board for name changes. Bunny calls me Christopher Robin..which works cause pooh was one of my favorite shows
As a kid lol
Oh dear! My nickname as a child was Pooh! Lol
Because of Winnie the Pooh!
My nickname as a kid was EB. Energizer Bunny mainly because I talked too much. Chowder when I was in football
What is in a name? Wouldn't a rose smell just as sweet if called by another name?
What does on the d. Mean?
Sure it would!
I knew you were the water boy!!!!
Nah honey I was on the defense line
Illegal use of hands! Hands to the face
They called me chowder cause I had the other guys eating turf
Annnd I...looked like the kid from Monster House...
and i call you tommy
New name: clam chowder
bunny 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I almost forgot Tommy! You haven't been calling me that as often
wow rude
i brought you into this world
You can take me out😉😉
I'm new here
No I’m new here
Ya know that reminds me there's a place in Newport called the Thompson House. The guy that created the Tommy gun lived there. Went there once for an underground concert
Christopher Robin let’s go to a rave
hi guys alil bit bored here, just got off work im looking to mingle with the right person and i prefer older guys please
Never been to one of those?
Lesss do itttt
What do they do there?
Whatever you want
Oh really?