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DDepression/Anxiety Help

Hello 👋🏻
Hello hows everyone holding up?
Hello all
All good here and y’all?
Not good lol
>>> All good here and y’all? Thats great to hear
I’m sorry to hear 🤗🤗🤗 hugs
Thank you I appreciate that
Hopefully tmr will be a better one 🥰🥰🥰
I feel better just admitting for once that im not alright lol
>>> Hopefully tmr will be a better one 🥰🥰🥰 I hope the last week has been a steady decline tho
Yeah. Sometimes just talking about it or say out loud helps too 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yeah ill give anything a try at this point
Just do what’s right for you. Cuz what works for me, might not for you and others 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yeah ofcourse.
I’m really down and depressed just got exposed by my ex(lol) trying to just get my self esteem up lol
And chuck out those ways that don’t work for yah
Its been 10 years and i haven't found one that works 😆😅
I just normally try to help others
Like the whole This
Sometimes it’s something so simple as to just changing your mindset. Keep the good habits and just trying your best 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Therapist here with severe mental health issues. Sup
Sup man
Some guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How is everyone?
Having dinner now and y’all?
I'm trying to sleep
Pain is keeping you up? Or something else is?
Pain and anxiety
Anxiety with what? The pain?
Family issues
Yeah, that’s always a tough one
Even for me, I struggle with too
Hello 👋🏻
Hello, how are you people?
I’m well and yourself?
I struggle with depression
But at least I keep myself far away from alcohol
Try to pretend I'm ok
Did you try to seek help from a psychiatrist?
Hello, anyone here who is afraid of sleeping?
Well, it’s not just alcohol that you need to stay away from. But best to get yourself checked out by a professional dr
>>> Hello, anyone here who is afraid of sleeping? Not anymore, lately it's the opposite. What about sleeping is making you afraid tho?
>>> Well, it’s not just alcohol that you need ... Hmm..I tried 10 years ago
But I think now it is better to heal myself
If not now then when, right?