>>> Hey Jay! Just remembering and regretting ...
I know how you feel Quetzalcoatl... If you need someone to talk things through or just have a vent, I'm here x
That's one reason I don't wanna go because they can be crazy pushy
It’s really messed up. I wonder how much business they lose to online car sales just because of that attitude
Yea but I don't trust buying a car online
Maybe this weekend to start looking. The weather should be a little bit nice
I think if I ride my bike more often I’ll probably start to feel better… endorphins and whatnot.
I haven't looked at cars in years, I don't know where to start looking yet lol
What are you looking for in s car?
I really have no clue yet lol. Maybe a mid life crisis car LMAO
Lol like a Mustang or something 🤣
Organic peanut butter doesn’t spread well. 😒 I’m ripping up the bread trying to get it to spread.
Just don't throw the ripped up bread around the kitchen lol
😁 I’ll get jiffy next time
Thanks for the view Bubs! 😉
What’s with all the links?
I'd like to confess something, but I don't think it's a good idea to say it in public, I could get in trouble for saying it . If anyone is interested, can write to me.