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What is that?
Cnc is sooo hot
Hmm do you need to rabbit?
Good evening
Open minded here.
Hi room
Dirtybi man pm me
Bbc here....
Love to be open minded 😊
Me too
Same here mommy
Hiii id like to confess smthing very naughty ive been doing, please older guys text me
Hey 🐆 đŸ‡ș🇾
Morning from the UK
Hello everyone
Hiya Christie
Hiya preg uk
Bi ?
Morning all
Who's pregnant?
I’m pregnant with pie filling
I had steak and ale pie last night for dinner
đŸ€” what even is ale pie
It's gravy but made with beer in it as well
Oh interesting sometimes that’s done with a stew type but instead of beer it’s wine
Same kinda thing yep
Sounds pretty good and I’m jealous
It was yummy especially with the sweet potato mash
Mmmm sweet potatoes my fave
Just can't have too many
What happens? You turn into a sweet potato if you eat too much?
I poop a lot the next day as they are full of fibre
Definitely don’t eat too many
I know
Too much info 😂
You asked
It’s ok I just didn’t expect that