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This place will just let anyone in here nowadays
No 🍍 on the 🍕 , that's against group rules, should be banned. Lol
Alert the mods.
They have been alerted.
As you like it
You are being let off with a warning this time. Lol
Young open minds now people
Well the joke killed the chat. Lol
Nah everyone is still here
Usually I kill the chat, so that’s what it’s like to be on the other side… the grass isn’t much greener over here….
lol funny, I was gonna say similar
I bet you both to it then.
It’s always fun until someone puts pineapple on pizza
You do know guys 🍍 makes certain things taste sweeter?
And a criminal matter when someone eats it…
i wonder what it was like for the first people that found this out
It's a civil matter lol or in this uncivil
I’ve heard that, eat it almost daily, someday I’ll find out if it’s true
Oh its true.
Ohhh nice I won’t comment on the obvious, I don’t want to get booted or blocked lol
>>> Ohhh nice I won’t comment on the obvious, ... Ok I was going to offer but if you turned it down, nothing I can do about it
lol of that I doubt, since I’m an oldster as I’ve been tol
Get a motel room you 2 🫢 atleast I think that’s what the old folks call them still.
I would but oxygen tanks a difficulties is hard to lug around
Welp, next best thing. Nursing home it is!
A lot of action in those places lol
What's so funny is I work in one.
And from what I’ve been told by a few residents that it is true
So I got both of covered,
Hi Angie
Welp problem solved
My ex working in one and a lady used to throw her panties at me
Ahh Welps can be fun
>>> My ex working in one and a lady used to th... Lucky you
It was quite different
Hiya Want
>>> Hello.. Welcome to the group
>>> It was quite different Different in what way?
It was my first meeting or blind date if you will with my first wife, darn near scared me away
Scared you away with or without panties? Lol
Didn’t know what was up I was only 21
>>> Didn’t know what was up I was only 21 The panties didn't do it for you then.
Not then, now😍😃