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Or too aggressive about it
It was me 🤭🤭🤭
Jk it wasn’t me
Ok sir
Lol I know it won't, Wrath
I'm just saying. Imagine if it was the other way around.
I have been nice.
But ok, Mam. Lol I'm not trying to trigger you. Not today
Maybe tomorrow
who is it
I don’t even ask for help anymore. I just do stuff on my own!
Have you actually been nice or your version of nice? Its a big difference fr
Lol and what does he do when you do it on your own?
same cow
I use to be very nice, Caring and understanding.
OK. That make sense then.
>>> I use to be very nice, Caring and understa... But you do know that doesn't come with a time limit or expiration date right?
One can only be but so nice and patient before they just don’t care anymore.
Idk lol
>>> One can only be but so nice and patient be... Then you have to break up and move on when it get to that point.
Do yall have kids together?
Not that easy to just up and leave a marriage.
You don't seem happy, though.
ok nvm, how’s your day going wrath
Would you rather stay and regret not leaving sooner?
It’s going. Trying to nap but my dogs keep fcking barking at random ish
Definitely need a good nap. Been up for a while
that’s how mines be sometimes it’s annoying asf
I missed anti therapy
Ong. Like hush plzzz
Lol not a therapy session
I love it
Preciate you
The answer is always leave him
Lol no. Somethings can be worked out, but she seems like she's fed up at this point
Some things*
Fed up yes.
But I'd want to hear his side of the story too
But like I said. Up and leaving isn’t as easy as someone would this.
To get a better understanding
It's not easy, but it depends on how fed up you are and how serious it is
We don't need his side
We definitely need his side
I'm not biased
His side 🤣 good luck with that.