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Man i hope so. Ive been worried.
Why you sad rice
She's fine. She's not talking cuz she's busy
Because hes ugly but atleast hes proud
Damn at least you're proud rice. I'm ashamed
What the fck
Why is that picture so blurry
😭i dont know
The thing says and I'd believe it was made with yarn 😭
Quit calling me out Atlas. Sheesh
😂Yarn is yarn
Hey C how are ya
Theyre getting blurrier
Did you take that pic with a potato😂
No but I SS it with one
Sounds about right
I feel like I'm scaring everyone away again
They probably got damn Elodie
Everyones got her rn? Geez💀
What’s that
Whats what?
Shes a doll❤️ youd know her if you met her here.
I misunderstood
I've never met her. I didnt even know about an Elodie til you mentioned
Thats just criminal
Thats gnarly dude why
Thanks babe
I brought two to work
O TS is here...
Hell naw
Hey all
So sleepy.
Time for sleep time at 7 pm?
What y’all up to
Sleepin on the job