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No, try tomorrow.
Dm me
Good morning Barata. Nice to see your smiling face this fine morning
Good meowning, Cafeee.🌻
How you been? Been a hot minute since we chatted
Purr purr purr
I can’t complain! Though sometimes I still do. 🫠 Hbu?
You always do lol
Looking for a BBW
Good luck
Hello Tartar
Sup Rain
Not much, watching the wind pick up as I’m moving stuff to the garage
I’m lookin out the window while I’m cooking and it’s picking up here too
I’ll gladly take this mess over snow 😂
Cuz fck that snow
It was really windy here. I kinda miss the snow
18mph gusts here
I’m good on the snow for a while haha
I wish itd come back🥺
Windy as all get out here. Storm is a coming
Only reason I’ll take snow is work usually lets us go home early or work from home for a day or two
If it storms someone give me a heads up so i can medicate my dog please
Where you live cause everywhere from VB to DC going to get it today
Im not near there. Im good then
Aren't you out west
It says just wind here. I think im good
There’s a tornado warning by my job💀
RIP to pinhead
It’s not the way I wanted to go out
If it was my choice I’d die by being suffocated by some thick thighs
You like that guy earlier looking for bbw
Naughty. 😈