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No, It's a company that produces wine and sells it, now here is the harvest season
i’m ready for a nap
I’m ready for shower 🚿😅
i wanna go home
Long day?
almost the weekend so i’m happy
Today is flying by so far
You suck lol bring some home 🤣
I hope you have explosive diarrhea 🤣
you did not sully 😂😂
Bet he ate all that how much you wanna bet lol
I got taco dip again 🤣
I want some carrot cake
I ate it all 🫃🏼
I knew it 🤣
You’re gonna be junked in an hour so 😴 lol
How else am I gonna keep this dad bod?! 😮‍💨
You already got that covered with beer 😂
I had leftover taco stuff and made a salad 😋
I’m taco dipped out 🤢
I’m that way with ham and bean soup 💣
Couples 😘😘
My back hurts a lot tonight, I foresee a nightmare night 😑
That’s no good
No tomorrow I work 🙄
U need one of Beavys heating pads 😬
I need my gf how masseuse, she very good
Oily 😘☺️
I got all kinds of back stuff lol no surgery for me 🙌🏻
3 and half hours left of work
Glad to be off the highway almost got hit 3 frigging times
I hate the highway
Each one was someone trying to move into the lane I was in so would have got me at the side
Omg that's wild nugget
People have the alert markers on their mirrors and still don’t know how to frigging drive
Florida drivers are literally blind and senile