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🎟️тнє 💩 ѕнσω

Awwwww good morning puppy 💖💖💖
She gonna be trouble lol
Now you gotta go thru the puppy craziness lol
She bout to chew all yall stuff up lol
My late dog was SOOOO bad when he was a puppy. But was an angel from the heavens above as he got older 🤣🤣
Bella is super bummed out, she didn’t even eat this morning
Awww Bella 😔
I hope she's okay
Probably going to take awhile to get adjusted she’s staying upstairs with sully.
I go up every so often and pet herhugs
Aww so she has been the only dog for many years until Ellie?
Sully had herkies when I adopted her so she had him around until last May
Hey Chafouin
Welcome to the room Chafouin
Making herself at home
I thought she was in your robe pocket or something
Big ass pocket cuz that a big ass puppy lol
Oh hello
No couch and her blankie lol
Cutie puppy
Thanks 😊
I'm glad you finally got her
Missed the stranger danger
Aw she's settling in nicely
i wanna steal her for a few hours
Go ahead she’ll give you a workout 🤣
how was she the first night?
She was up til 2. I did give her a bath as soon as we got home. She wanted to sleep on the couch with me she slept pretty good for a couple hours I didn’t lol she took a good nap this afternoon
i’m glad she’s doing so good, how’s bella doing ?
She still won’t eat. But she had some bacon and milk ones. Ellie is doing pretty good on the potty training so far she’s a smart girl
I just praise them both and give them treats so no one feels left out
On separate couches now lol
Haaayyy 💅🏻
Where the hell everyone at
I did nap today a little when she did and drank coffee late so I probably just screwed myself 🤣