Probably going to take awhile to get adjusted she’s staying upstairs with sully.
I go up every so often and pet herhugs
Aww so she has been the only dog for many years until Ellie?
Sully had herkies when I adopted her so she had him around until last May
Welcome to the room Chafouin
I thought she was in your robe pocket or something
Big ass pocket cuz that a big ass puppy lol
No couch and her blankie lol
I'm glad you finally got her
Missed the stranger danger
Aw she's settling in nicely
i wanna steal her for a few hours
Go ahead she’ll give you a workout 🤣
how was she the first night?
She was up til 2. I did give her a bath as soon as we got home. She wanted to sleep on the couch with me she slept pretty good for a couple hours I didn’t lol she took a good nap this afternoon
i’m glad she’s doing so good, how’s bella doing ?
She still won’t eat. But she had some bacon and milk ones. Ellie is doing pretty good on the potty training so far she’s a smart girl
I just praise them both and give them treats so no one feels left out
On separate couches now lol
Where the hell everyone at
I did nap today a little when she did and drank coffee late so I probably just screwed myself 🤣
Well you'll be up for a while