I took this this morning. Look at the colors 😂
Have you tried stepping on a hot coal?
The sharpest thing in the world is a dog turd. Instant cripple.
Clearly you've never stepped in chicken sh..
Bucket list item #6: Wake up a rooster.
#1 is to stick a potato in the tail pipe of Batman's Batmobile
But it's jet engined so I'll need to change that one
Has anyone noticed you can't get anyone banned for anything anymore?
I just saw someone say Gen Z is lazy. Maybe that's the problem?
Lilly is a Gen X cat woman
Lilli* my autocorrect hates me
Yeah you're Gen X, I'm Gen Y
I'm almost middle aged. But I still play with legos and watch SpongeBob
Who could ever hate SpongeBob
I was kidding about the legos lol. I can't afford them. But I would play with them if I could
I found some pretty cool model kits on Temu too
I just don't have the space to put them 😂