Nah, I'd rather do it legally
The sea is too dangerous and unpredictable. I'd rather have my feet on dry land
I don't even like swimming that much
I can be fun? Just today I watered the plants
I haven't gone swimming in about sixteen years. But I can swim fine
I'm gonna go make some instant noodles
Yeah, but it's made different
We also have bokkoms which is salted dried fish. I tried it the other day for the first time. They can keep it
Don't you also have things like chocolate covered crickets? Idk who in their right mind would eat that
We probably have them too but I choose to ignore their existence. I'll never be that hungry.
Now there's the definition of an attention seeker
I took a bath this morning. The cold water wasn't cold. I kept drying off and the sweat kept pouring out of me like water
I don't even need to pee 🙄
Probably bad photoshop. She's not a bot but clearly a catfish
We don't have catfish where I live. Only baber
Well I guess technically they're the same thing. But one has a fin the other doesn't
I wish it would go lower than 80° here