I also found these today. I did not expect them
Yes but they spit green snot in your face
黃者歸來 Lilli will be so happy to see you. She was just talking about how much she likes you
>>> He so annoying
I just noticed I sent that in my sleep last night 😂
I go that all the time, but usually I can't spell when I do that because in my head I'm writing book, but in reality I'm texting garbage
I have to reset my autocorrect. It's just screwing me these days
>>> I didn't know u can do that
Do what? Reset your autocorrect or chat in your sleep? Lol
No, what show is that? The guy does look familiar
Holy cow. I didn't recognize him 😂
I might check it out. I like him as an actor
Interstellar is definitely one of my top 3 movies
Watch it. Your heart is gonna break, but it'll be worth it
I have this app called BetterSleep. I use it during the night. There's a woman on there called Aster. She has one of those voices that just puts me out
The cat brought those babies back, but they turned completely wild
They hid under an outside shower. Took me like an hour to get them out yesterday. Then today I almost had to break down the shower after they got stuck behind it. I had so much trouble with them, it feels like I was hit by a train
These cats are just crazy. Another one of the cats had babies again somewhere we don't know, and one of the other cats stole 2 of the babies and now she's raising them
This one is small. But he's the only one around here who doesn't just grab