I went to this new ice cream place with some friends where the cones are fried dough. It wasn’t bad but didn’t feel worth the money.
Ok. It gonna lie. That’s a hotpic.
Some guy dm’ed me and called me “babe” then called me a freak for not liking it.
Well damn. I can’t help it if he was born without balls and can’t respect someone’s preference.
Reasons why bears are better.
I need coffee. But then I’d have to make it.
I have heard never ask a girl her age. Never ask a woman her weight. And assume all men are lying about wiener size.
Do people pronounce is car-a-mel or car-mel?
I swear. I get a DM from from a guy with the name “Total Wanker Lamerboy “ and another from a man who can’t spell.
And they want me to believe they’re not middle schoolers jerking off between classes.
Sorry. I get annoyed by “men” who can’t spell, can’t get a clue or act like they’re doing me some favor by messaging me. Oh thank you random person for telling me I can find love. Hallmark called and wants to hire you for their sad puppy card line.
I usually just delete all my pms. Maybe one day there will be one worth reading. But this does not appear to be that day.
Shakespeare wrote a play about how deep the love between two men can be. Bromance is eternal. That’s why I think men are better off together and girls should just leave them to their devices. They’d be happier.
I’m not awake. But I’ll keep meditating until I am.
Idk. Those nails could really tear you up.
It’s late. I should sleep.
It’s 3:30 am. I need to go back to bed.
Ican play the trumpet. Not well.
Super cute, miss. Thank you for sharing.
This felt like a long day. But I can’t sleep. But I’ll try anyway.
I’m going to hate myself for it. But it was when I met this guy my friend was dating. I knew he was older but he was like over 40 - but cooland hot. Made me wonder how she enjoyed being with him.
No lie. She shorts are hot.
No lol. I mean it’s not gonna happen they’re together.