Lame. Get a shrink and do something useful, Wayne. Like support taxing billionaires out of existence.
Superman isn’t bad. Power fantasy but at least he was raised by farmers and somehow didn’t some out a conservative racist douchebag.
He comes to America and runs under “Make America Great Again”?
No because Russia figured out the best way to destroy the US was cater to idiots who think the good old days were so awesome when in reality it sucked for anyone who wants a white Christian straight male.
In fiction of course. I’d never talk modern day reality here.
I know. So glad nobody would try it in the real world.
Why is it people keep getting mad when they askwhere I’m from and I tell them.
Had two guys block me after asking that and I gave them that answer. Figured they really have mommy issues.
Idk. I share them with my girlfriend and she’ll roll her eyes. I don’t know why she puts up with me.
If I was a man I’d be called “assertive.”
My sister called me at 6 am in a panic because her husband wasn’t at home.
Turns out he had woken up early to get her orange juice for smoothies because she’s sick.
I don’t know if that’s the sweetest thing ever or to kill her for waking me up at 6 am.
They have the sweetest relationship but wtf sometimes.
I could use a breakfast burrito. With potatoes and sausage.
Ugh. I was in the car skirt all day and didn’t even get to my doctors appointment because idiots in the road.
My brother in law fought traffic all the way to my place. On the way there a whole set of semis in the road going 50 the whole way so I wasn’t going to make it.
So we stopped and had lunch at a Mexican place and then he drove me home. It was a nice drive but he felt so bad.
And he paid. Even better.
I have decided to stay home. I feel awful.
Also my new copy paste intro message is incredibly effective when I’m DM’ed.
Huh. I got sent to prison because I told guys who DM’ed me I wouldn’t tell
them where I lived. I guess a standard message is bad.
Eh reason #5346 why the app is dying.