I work 11-9 today but this week marks the time change so we close at 10 again
i work 11-10 on wednesday so yeah i get some long hour days
Wow, and you like what you do?
im not tryna ask people who have happy lives
im tryna ask people who are like me
I’m doing well and you blue bird
ehhhh, for the most part yes but it does get annoying and sometimes stressful
Tell us about your unhappy life
Life's not happy wherever you are
Part of my lab for physics, hw, shopping, and more hw
You have homework in your 30s?
Are homework prove me wrong
If you work from home and you gotta do stuff you call it homework too
What about school work though?
I start working again tuesday, im super stoked
Life teaches you a lesson
And we gotta do the homework
Work is better when they give you money for it
As long as you get the money and happy
I know some wealthy men who aren't happy
Hahaha im paying money for work yay
I think that might be backwards
Im studying chemical engineering, and I do hardscaping right now for a living