I'm still somewhere out there in the abyss LOL
What does that even mean 😭
Well idk about everyone but im doing alright ^^ and what about yew
(Don’t take that TOO seriously)
Sadly he passed away i was gonna donate my fortune to him
Sht I was just about to tell him I’m madly in love with him and we should run away together
>>> Sht I was just about to tell him I’m madly...
>>> I’m good thanks
Goods goods
Oh well. Onto the next guy who shows me the slightest amount of kindness
I’m kidding you don’t have to answer
Don’t be dead. I’ll miss you
Yup yup, I'm still alive LMAO
I'm sorry to hear that, I'm on a night off and I'm just relaxing, trying not to get sick
Yeah I started feeling a little crappy yesterday but I'm still not completely sick