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TTrue Trans Safe Space 🩵🩷🤍🩷

Lots of stuff. Burnout. School. Work. Trying to find a new job. Depression in general. Other stuff
Can completely understand that
It's a lot
Yeah work and school can definitely be draining
Good luck with the job search
Yeah definitely
I hope everyone is doing well just remember that you are all beautiful and amazing
Thanks 😊
Your welcome
It’s going good just chilling
I understand
Yeah glad it’s the weekend
this weekend has actually felt like a weekend
it’s been nice
Yeah I know it’s great when you don’t have much to do
It is about 11:30 at night and I'm just waking up LMAO
I haven’t slept yet. Been up since 8am
I'm on my vacation but I don't want to screw up my sleep schedule so I'm still up during all hours of the night
Oh ok
My brain is still not firing on all cylinders LMAO I haven't got up out of bed
At least you have a brain
A little bit of one LMAO
I have 3 braincells
3?? I'm lucky to have 2 some days
Heya x
Hehe yea
How are you x
*shrug* alive
*runny ta yous an huggies*
😂 you're always so cute with the hugs
Thank yous
I'll still take them all
Hehe yays
Okay now I'm back around for a little bit, I'm high and easily distractable
Hey 👋
How’s it going?