I don't think I've had five sober days in the past 3 years lol
Don't get me wrong it is tempting at times but i just feel rotten afterwards x
Girl, do what is best for you
I'll never take that away
I agree. Do whatâs best for you
Oh by the way Shannon I really dove deep into AI making LMAO
I also made this creepy one LOL
Just don't get me started on showing all my pictures or I will never stop LMAO I have a huge library
I love the ai pics so much x
I've done some on my own pics but meh x
Okay I'll stop for now LMAO
I usually make a picture or two everyday at least
I usually do it in the theme of whatever Avatar I'm rocking at the time
Oh I'm doing okay hun, relaxing after work. I'm pretty high and hope I pass out soon LMAO but no guarantees
That's good, I'm watching YouTube and playing on my phone while I let sleep find me LOL
Howâs YouTube going lol
Oh it's good, I'm mainly using it for background noise right now LMAO
Oh ok yeah I do that with music sometimes on YouTube
I usually get the videos that I want to watch done earlier in the day LOL the ones that absolutely take my attention
Iâve been following this guy trying to beat Halo CE on Legendary without dying
If I'm going to be honest I have never played a campaign on any of the halos LOL I have no idea of the storyline
Itâs fun I would recommend it