It's so difficult talking to some vegans
Why cut off soy unless you have an allergen? It’s unnecessary. Soy is a very healthy food.
I like to take raw food and make the meals myself, non industrialized food is real food to me, the rest is just a remembering of something that could have been good
Plant based milk made with your own hands is another reality, beyond delicious
Raw vegetables, wholegrain cereals..
One has no idea what is put in the products out there to keep them conserved for longer, to change their texture and color..
It's not because its vegan that its 100% healthy
>>> Why cut off soy unless you have an allerge...
Soy is the enemy
>>> Raw vegetables, wholegrain cereals..
You don't cook vegetables?
You can't have any pudding if you don't have yer meats!
Omg I love your avatar
It’s not 100% healthy to be vegan only, but it’s good to cut down on the meat and I like to share recipes 😋
Since when did they allow so many anti-vegans in this channel
Organic soy is definitely way healthier than soy grown with roundup
Yes, non vegans area not welcome
Please refer to the name of the group
And I do cook my vegetables
I'm non vegan but open minded. I do enjoy the diet 😏
I like the science behind it and the research to come about this diet
It doesn’t say Vegans only.
If someone had a question about being vegan, shouldn’t they be asking their question here?
The exclusivity that this orange cat is trying to make is what drives people away from exploring different options
I've seen that type of behavior before and it sucks because no one is trying to push anyone away but you
that attitude is exactly why so many people hate vegans
why can’t we be as kind to people as we try to be towards animals
Everyone has their own views and opinions, all valid
Field roast sausage is so good!
I even tried experimenting with beyond sausage too
People are definitely missing out
Beyond makes a good Italian “sausage”
But typically I don’t need all the processed meat substitutes
I can make mushrooms or jackfruit taste good
Some Asian supermarkets sell mock meats which is like wheat gluten
I’ve made wheat gluten seitan in the past