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VVegan People 🌱

vegan allergic to cashews is tough
cashew is my fav whole foods “dairy” source
Trolls try to rile people up in all rooms
Hello Mrs Sapphire
Yes! I have to be diligent in reading labels.
I wish this app didn't mess the quality up
To be vegan is not about just choosing a different diet, it's a mindset, a conscious act to help animal welfare, our environment, ourselves.
>>> Cheese, vegan or not is still gross It's quite healthy, made with almond
No soy and stuff
>>> Very long process Just boil them
>>> To be vegan is not about just choosing a d... And nobody is perfect 👌
No one is here to argue 🧐 and I'm not here to tell you about ur vegan diet nor have I ever shat on it 😃
Hello vegan people
Hello potato
>>> The brand Daring chicken is so good but so... I'll look into it
Do yall think a carnivor and a vegan can be together ?
That depends on how tolerant you are of one another. Can the vegan accept that the carnivore has little regard for the life and feelings of animals? Can the carnivore accept that the vegan lifestyle is their choice?
It would take a lot of work.
Personally, I want to find a partner with similar beliefs and lifestyle close to mine. That would include having the same or similar vegan philosophies.
Procreating with someone who eats different will be in ones dna.
I’m too old to procreate anymore. 🤣
But I’m still willing to practice. 🤭
Well, wrap it up because biology still has it that it can stay in the system up to 7 years when done r@w.
My bf eats meat. We were at the restaurant yesterday and he ate a steak about 1 kg of weight and I got spinach and a soup
Even though I have these values about animals, I see in him other qualities so I can go ahead this and we get along pretty well
He eats vegan food too, but definitely he's not vegan and I don't force him
My friend forced her bf to c
To be vegetarian at least and he pretended to be one... and when they weren't together anymore he continued eating meat... what's the point then to force to be someone you're not
I definitely wouldn't force someone
If a person is forced, then usually they resent it.
What do you all think about promoting your kids to be vegan too if you have any or will have any
>>> What do you all think about promoting your... Pro but I don't think I will ever have kids
But if my kid wanted to eat meat I wouldn't forbid it
I think it would be awesome having a person who is inspired by your values tho
Yeah same, I might keep the house vegan (if my partner is) but they can choose to follow in my footsteps on their own for food outside the house
Is there any reason you think you’ll never have kids?
I'm vegan🥰
😳 🖤
If I would have had children, I would have tried to raise them with the vegan philosophy.
I agree with the crab, Nick. You try to raise your children and then at some point you have to let them make their own decisions.
I don't have kids, but I would raise them plant based. If they move out and decided otherwise I would look at them funny. I just know the health issues that happened with me. I wouldn't want it for them.
You all have good point of views. I don't force my child to be vegan because I want it to be their choice. I'm lucky enough that my child chooses vegan life style when possible and will will eat non vegan occasionally at times but not at my dispense as in, not around me
I guess it's hard bc in a relationship, you always have that thought of , they might see things in my eyes and will eventually see that and respect the life style but, if they don't, isn't it a waste of time ?
Boundaries must be in place and if they say yes I agree and respect your boundaries, but still don't become vegan, like. What then?
I had a vegan boyfriend and loved him so very much. But I pushed him away and I regret it. But his boundaries was alcohol and I couldn't choose him over alcohol. So now that I have potential partner, isn't it the same as me wanting them to be vegan?
As a vegan I won’t consider somebody who won’t go vegan as a suitable partner. Giving my love to a non-vegan person would reduce my efficacy as a vegan