I remember cause I thought it was dumb and it stuck with me
nono, I think most of what you say is not true
hallucinations are a manifestation of our thoughts and feelings, whether subconscious or not. the body plays a huge role in ghefgb
any imbalances, chemical, hormonal, etc
they'll make sense to you for sure. delusions are very powerful that way
people can't see they're in em. even when pointed out with surmontable evidence
not to be confused with ideas of reference though. similar except people with those can be convinced otherwise
yeah, I get that. with the way the mind processes things, especially one of the shizo type, any connections can be made or linked, even if they're completely coincidental or irrelevant
I went through something similar, believed in all kinds of supernatural. even was convinced I was haunted. but then I started trying to take things more at face value, not look into them further or link then to anything more than what's given
my hallucinations became much nicer to me and my anxiety pretty much depleted after that. even started using the hallucinations as entertainment, or self guidance. but still took them for what they are
still just me, thoughts or feelings, that my mind processed as something external
Hella tricky for sure. but it's alright, you've your journey. you'll get to what you're looking for, I'm sure
what would be wrong with that though?
for me, it'd probably be nature, or something along those lines. "the universe"
could never happen, yeah. but it could also
just a matter of where the road leads ya
so long as you're at peace with it, with yourself. it'll be alright
whether it's god you're after, or nothing at all, it's all the same. it's still one of the journeys for you to venture through
just keep asking questions I say. don't settle, even if satisfied. there's always something to learn and insight to gain
training wheels for what?