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⛓ Collared & Cuffed ⛓

Hi gorgeous inte 🤗
Hi fish and finex 🤗
How are you?
I’m doing alright thanks. You?
Nice to know ☺️ I'm good thanks
How's the weekend so far? Done much?
That’s good! It’s nice and calm, the only productive thing I’ve done is my laundry 👵🏻 But I’m gonna get to some cleaning soon. Yours?
Mine has been quiet today, I had some gardening to do yesterday, so today it's only laundry for me too
The Adult fun part The tidy up 😂😂
Hehe, needs to be done 😎
Unfortunately yes 😂😂
I would offer my help to you, but you would turn down 😂😂😂
Yes I would 😂 I’m not letting anyone else clean up a mess I’ve made..
Sew I knew it 😂😂😂😜
But as a gentleman I had to say something 😎
>>> Yes I would 😂 I’m not letting anyone else... Wouldn't mind to make a mess with you, 🤭🤭😂😉
>>> Naughty! Lol not that kind of messy 🤭🤭 more a normal one after a dinner and a movie night
>>> Naughty! With you????? Always 😂😂😂😂 just teasing
you guys are fun to read 😇🥳🥰
Please join the party 😂
Hope you ladies have a good restvof a weekend 🤗🤗
It was great to hear from you again intosomedu ☺️
Thank you and same ☺️🤗
We should have a place where we could reach each other more easily 😎😂😂😂😂
You can’t say that and then leave 😂
Hi bacon
Hey inte 🤗
How are you?
I'm good! How you doin hun
Good! I’m good too. Just trying to finish up some cleaning before it’s time for a shower and then chill 🙏🏻
Oooh nice!
Will be nice once the cleaning is done!
Hello any submissive girls here?
Nope none here
👋 Hersheys and virgin