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⛓ Collared & Cuffed ⛓

Did we choke em tight ..coz it's silent af
Hey hey.
How is everyonr
I’m ok: and yourself
Doing pretty good
Pretty exhausted tbh looking forward to next month in the US
Good morningevening
Hi hi
How’s it?
It? Is it
Fingers not connecting with the brain
Need coffee
Me too
Out of beans
Oh no
Existential crisis
I know 😔
Had a cry already
I have contacts that could help over the phone
I’m in a hotel I refuse to drink the instant
So need to go to the restaurant and order one…not drinking the watered down versions they serve….in need the thick syrupy black fresh crushed bean coffee
lol should just carry beans around with you and munch on them as a snack
Done that before
But didn’t think of it and I should travel with my small baccarat too then I wouldn’t have this issue
Life is too important
Without coffee it’s nothing
Very true
I have coffee. The world is bright again
I'm a slave
Abuse is not what a slave is for
No coffee for me.
Beauty ready to hammer 🔨