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Hey Zuzu, welcome home 🥲
I don't see Mel or Clyde ..
Zuzu, Barbar is gone crazy
On the roof, Hux.
Eh eh who's crazy
You! Yous a crazy!
Bar Bar 👉🏻😇
Barbar, this is my daughter Zuzu
Zuzu, this is some crazy cat Barbar
Hello Barbar
Hellu, Zuri.
>>> That's Clyde? Luckii is Clyde? Idk who Clyde is that ain't me
You're now Clyde 🥲 lol
Idk what your talking about I'm not even here
Bacon here. 👀
I was craving bacon earlier
Hey Dragoo
I'm sick, and I got banned from a room for the stupidest reason in a long time
Hey Aslan
Dang sorry man
Got banned for saying that for a better sound quality, you need to grease up the saxophone or clarinet
How're you Aslan?
Maybe took it the wrong way
Sadly I’m heading to bed later dude
There is no wrong way to take it if you're being straight up and logical about it. Sure you could take it in a dirty sense but that's not on me. That's on them
I shouldn't be banned because they have an immature mind. But I hope you have a good night!
Talk to you soon
Ya I know man
Yeah, so stupid hmph
Good bro
You've been keeping well and healthy?
All good thanks God
I'm happy to hear that
You good bro
I'm a Lil sick