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🛐AntiCult 📵

Good bye Mic.
I won't be around the Toronto chat so much anymore. I'm just gonna be mainly around here
Anti ded. 🫤
I can't stand most of the people anymore. 98% are either toxic or simps
Then I got banned from Toronto chat for talking about using grease to maintain a saxophones quality lol
Sorry about that
I knew it was you..
Lol hey brother
Hi good morning 🌅
Have a great day ahead
I hope you do too! Thanks 🙂
Ty bro
Ready to get up and make it your own?
I need food.
Anything particular?
Pizza would be nice
i got the perfect pic for you
This you!
Double points for it also being Christopher Walkens
I love it lol
Hey aslan
I am new🥰
Welcome Krakie!!!! 😊
Yaaaay Thank you very much
Acey will be here soon 🙂
Thx for invite 🫦
Aceeeeey BeyBey❤️🦖
Kraky dahlin 😘💛
Welcome Brother Acey!!!!
Ty bro 😎
Been a while since I’ve been in a cult
Heh 😼
Hopefully this will be your last 😂
I have never been in any cult Hahaha
There is a first for everything lmao
Now we need to some how get Jim Jones in here.. 🤣🤣