I'm tellin ya, these people are talkin about smokin geeko's and it ain't right man it just ain't right
How is that even possible
It appears that nobody else is here right now.. they come n go
Should I throw my chanclas?
Hmm. No. Save that for emergencies
They will come...and they will go.. just like your chanclas 🥲
How dare you be distracted when we have new members joining. Dang ol darn it
That's Clyde? Luckii is Clyde?
I don't see Mel or Clyde ..
Zuzu, Barbar is gone crazy
Barbar, this is my daughter Zuzu
Zuzu, this is some crazy cat Barbar
>>> That's Clyde? Luckii is Clyde?
Idk who Clyde is that ain't me
Idk what your talking about I'm not even here
I was craving bacon earlier
Some girl? Pm me for videos...