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ʜʜᴏᴛ ᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇɴ 40ɪꜱʜ+🥸

Was she in today?
For real for real quit?!! Or just for the day?
This room is full of cops right now
Why do you always say that Harry? 😂
Nope she sent an email for what her teams status means
Legit tempted to go on stress leave
Will that alleviate stress or will you just have more crap to come back to?
Hi janet
I’d worry about that when I came back
Do it. Let’s go to Mexico
Meet me in Austin and we can head south
Yeah meet us in Austin 🤭
Austin is a song?
Hi 🙋‍♀️
Hi hi
Hello all
Hey everyone
What is going on all?
Slow night it looks like
Quite slow but it’s almost Friday. So we have that going for us lol
Yes that’s one for the positive category for sure
definitely so. Should be a nice weekend here
It’s going to be nice here as well
Belle! 🥰
Thank you for serving 💪🙏
Who got served?
It’s Santa of the asphalt
Yo Momma
Sami! 🤗
Hey yall
Blarg!! It’s so dark out already
Belle! 🤗
Oh sweet!! Thunderstorms ⚡️
Did you show the suit yet?